Regular Community Activities
St George’s community worship together and enjoy a variety of interests and social events together. Activities like singing, table tennis or knitting and crochet provide fun and a time for relaxation and conversation. Breakfasts, quizzes and fun days, while providing some additional income for the church and charities, are equally valuable as opportunities to meet together socially and welcome friends and neighbours into our St. George’s community.

Knit and Knatter - Wednesdays @2pm
Our Knit and Knatter group meets on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm in the small hall. Knitting, crochet, needlework, and stitching. Refreshments are available, so just pop in for a chat and a cuppa and see what we do. All are welcome.
Postbox toppers made by our ladies.

Singalong - Mondays @2pm
A chance to sing popular songs, songs from
musicals, folk songs, new songs and songs
you think you know!
This group is not a choir, but a group who just enjoy singing for an hour on Monday afternoons.
Singing has been shown to have health benefits, with positive associations between singing and feelings of well-being. All are welcome. Come and have fun with tea and biscuits to follow.

Messy Mondays - Monday @9am
Toddler Fun: Play – Craft – Story – Snacks – Singing.
Monday mornings during term time from 9.00am -10.30am.
Children 0-4 years with parents, grandparents, and carers are welcome.
Charge of £1 for first child, 50p for other children

Table Tennis - Thursdays @5pm
Come and join St. George’s Table Tennis players. Players of all standards and abilities are welcome.
The evening offers exercise, friendship and fun. If you are interested, just come on any Thursday evening.​

Pilates - Wednesday 9.45am
Why Pilates?
Alleviate back pain, sciatica and musculoskeletal issues.
Relieve stress and aid mental relaxation.
Reduce tension and prevent injury.
For better posture, flexibility, and balance.
Places are limited, so booking is essential.
All ages and abilities are welcome.
Come along for a FREE taster class!

Comfort & Cuppa - Monday 7pm
A chance for the grieving and bereaved to find comfort with likeminded people over a cuppa.
We generally just chatter but are always there to support each other whatever the issue maybe, Please feel free to pop down and join us if you feel you could get something out of a group like ours.
Grief is an individual battle but we can all help each other through it as we are all going through it

Fundays - Saturdays
A day to drop in to St. George’s with games and activities for all the family, young and old. Simply bring some lunch or cake and sit and chat for a while or join in the games, table tennis, chess, indoor mat bowls, or jenga.
Crafts and play mat activities for younger children, or give Teddy a zipwire experience! Watch out for the next Fun Day advertised on our Facebook page or displayed posters.

Our work with Schools
We work actively with local primary and secondary schools. Visits to the church give students with a valuable opportunity to learn more about Christianity as part of their religious education and help children explore Christian beliefs, traditions, and the significance of places of worship. Their format includes school assemblies, guided tours, and activities at key times of the Christian calendar, including Harvest Festival, Christmas, and Easter, allowing students to experience these celebrations firsthand and understand their meaning to Christians.